Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fall 2008 Classes of GTS

There will be 4 Japanese 1101 classes in fall of which 3 classes be entertained by GTS: 2 morning classes Monday through Thursday at 9am and 11am, 1 night class on Monday and Wednesday at 7pm. (1 night class on Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm will be taught by Satoko Kamiya who was trained to teach Japanese at DePaul University teacher program.) There will be a Japanese 2201 class on Monday and Wednesday at 5pm just before 1101 class. Japanese 2251 will be at noon on Tuesday. Those who are interested in the Honor Seminar, can attend our Honor Seminar on Tuesday and Thursday between 6pm and 8:50pm during which students can meet with Japanese students in Hiroshima real time through WebCam and teleconferences. This seminar is conducted as a joint project of Japanese 1100 and Sociology 2220 of Prof. Dean Peterson.
GTS will also take care of classes at Waubonsee Community College for both Japanese and Chinese. GTS will face "Karoshi" (Death caused by excessive work) again this fall. Be nice to GTS!


Anonymous said...

Hi Shingo, hope you are doing well


GTS said...

Hey, Isidro! It's been a long time! How are you doing? Tell me about your recent development!

Anonymous said...


I am so glad that you are doing well. I really miss the Japanese classes i took with you. I have to say that during all of my academic career, the best time i had in my college life was in your classes. I think my Japanese got pretty good after taking your classes and also after studying in Japan twice (with you and also at Jouchi Daigaku). Unfortunately i have not studied it for about 1 year and i feel that i am slowly losing the language, so to make up for it i try to eat a j Japanese place for lunch everyday lol. Its so hard to try and maintain the language and improve it without being in a class. I really dont want to lose the Japanese language skills i learned. After graduation i began working for an investment firm in Chicago and i will be transferred to work in London beginning in March of 2009. Life is ok i guess, but i will go back to get a Masters in Economics and an MBA after working one more year to get work experience under my resume. So yes, that is the plan for now. Keep in touch Shingo! : ).
If you have any ideas for me as to how to refresh my Japanese (books recommended etc) let me know :) thank you and its always a pleasure hearing from you!
