Saturday, February 7, 2009

JCC (GTS Birthday) Dinner went well!

First Friday of February has just passed. about 15 people showed up at the dinner including a former student who was in Kyoto on the day of 9-11 attack of 2001 during GTS September trip. She also participated in COD summer study abroad program in 2002 and continued to study in Ritsumeikan University (where GTS graduated from) between 2003-2004. She has just begun working at Japanese company despite this bad US economy! Well, GTS families gathered from NIU, DePaul Univ, Eastern Michigan Univ, etc and had fun. Next dinner will be March 6, 2009!


Unknown said...

awwww the one dinner i couldn't make :(

GTS said...

Kuma-san, I hope you get well and show up in class! -GTS

Unknown said...

will do thanks hope you had a good time though sounds like it was alot of fun

GTS said...

Ema misses Kuma-san though she was not at the Dinner! -GTS