Sunday, May 17, 2009

Registration for the Fall semester is goin' on!

Registration for the fall semester classes have begun and 1101 already has a few students and 2201 has one now. Honor seminar (Global Classroom Project with Hiroshima Women's College) has 5 in it!. There will be 2 daily classes for 1101 (10am and 11am) and 2 night classes (5pm on Tue & Thu by Prof. Kamiya, 7pm on Mon & Wed by GTS). 2201 will be at 5pm on Mon & Wed, 2251 will be at 12:15pm on Thu. Honor seminar with Sociology class will be 6-9pm on Thursday (Students must register another Sociology class on Tuesday)! I hope to see many new students in fall!


Unknown said...



I'm not in your class any more.



P.S. Mischa and I are coming back to wreak havoc!!! XP

GTS said...

Chibi! You are always welcome in class or surprised self-invited party as well as regular JCC dinner! Next one is 5/29 and I will bring the e-ticket receipt to you! -GTS

Juria said...

oh god I'm going to die in that class alone


GTS said...

Juria! You won't die just suffer. -GTS

Unknown said...


;_; Aw, that made me miss the upcoming class even more...

GTS said...

Chibi, you can work out your schedule at the new school so that you can see Juria in class! -GTS

Juria said...

Hey shingo

so I'm trying to register for 2251 and it's going to be on Thursday right? But from what time to what time?

this new system is so confusing @_____@ grrr *shakes fist at MYACCESS*

Juria said...

hey guess what...

I think I'm retarded...


I just looked at the ENTRY (DUH JULIA DUH) and that answered my question

sorry...spazzing out a little bit since picking classes is being obnoxious this semester... durrr


Juria said...

oh wait! but you didn't say when the thursday class would end so never mind my question still stands!


GTS said...

2251 begins about 12noon and ends about 2:30ish on Thursday. Is it OK. Juria?

Juria said...

yeah thats fine it's just hard to find other classes that fit around that time but it's working out ok for the most part

GTS said...

Juria! Sounds great! Hope to see you on JCC dinner on 5/29. -GTS