Sunday, July 21, 2019

Golden Pavilion and Nishijin Textile Center

After Gion Festival, finally we had a chance to visit the Golden Pavilion (Kinkakuji) after eating lunch at the cafeteria of Ritsumeikan University.

We had a plan to visit Fushimi Grand Shrine  on the following day but the rain prevented us from visiting there as it would be very slippery.  In stead we stopped by at the Nishijin Textile Center to enjoy shopping and kimono show.

Though we postponed Fushimi visit to Monday, the slight rain is continuously falling.  We will, however, visit Fushimi Grand Shrine to at least have a taste of 1000 torii gates that all the films and TV have been showing!

A few more days to conclude the program this summer, yet we will continue to maximise our experience.

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