Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Test Completed!

Both 1101 and 2201 had the first Information festival this week. The average of those tests are 72-3% for both. This has been expected, so it is good. Scores range from 100% to 4%!! The size of the class may shrink a bit after returning the test result to each student. Now the application form for 2010 Summer Study Abroad Program is ready to be distributed!


Unknown said...

Class is boring when we don't have to fear for our lives. ;_; There's no terrifying "Hayaku!", and we have Momotarou read to us.

We've only had one quiz! It's weird. O_o

GTS said...

Easy class, huh? I really enjoyed "Hayakuuuuuu" -GTS

Unknown said...

Yeah, it's strange. I feel... Not challenged. The work that we do is just busy work, so...

Anno-sensei is really, really nice though, albeit a little flighty. XD She's hard to keep track of because she jumps from subject to subject.

You would enjoy scaring me! Jerk! XP

This is my last week working in Aurora, so my weekends will be free, and Michelle doesn't work on weekends, so you should come over for dinner! :D

GTS said...

Oh, yes, I know Anno-sensei jumps around! I guess, me too. -GTS