Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I sincerely hope that every GTS' students had a good time on Turkey Thursday! Japan doesn't have the same tradition but family gathering like Obon (Mid-August) and Oshogatsu (New Year Day) might be the equivalent. I got a huge PORK piece to be cooked for "Yakibuta" piece into Ramen noodle on Wednesday. We all enjoyed special RAMEN! Don't you think its really unique? Well, a big Te-form quiz is waiting for 1101 students after the break. Next weekend is the first Friday so the movie and dinner are coming! There will be the Japanese Language Proficiency Test in DePaul University on Sunday (12/7/2008). GTS is one of the leaderships for this worldwide event with Prof. Chikamatsu and Prof. Matsugu there. Oh! That is the Pearl Harbor Day!


Anonymous said...

Yay!! Yes yes thanksgiving was awesome! I'm glad that the GTS family had special thanksgiving ramen XD!! Sounds delicious~

Oh, and also I found this and thought it would be fun to show you

this guy made a .pdf document of all of these counters in's ridiculous shingo @___@

but he also did a review of this website called

and I thought you should show it to your first year students as a study aid...I checked it out today and it really is phenomenal! (but not just for first years of course it goes well into our year + more aswell)

Just check it out when you have time I suppose~

GTS said...

Thank you for your suggestions! I will check them out later! -GTS

Anonymous said...

Shingo!!! It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving! I would prefer pork and ramen noodles to turkey any day!

All this new conjugation requires lots of studying! I have been doing it dilligently and I can conjugate things fairly well but I'm running into a problem where I don't recognize verbs in their new form! I'll have to keep practicing...

Do you have any particle exercises for us or know where we can get some? I badly need to work on my particles but I need new study materials! あ たらしい べんきょうしもの?

Also, if you haven't already you might want to take a look at the notes for the main dialogue in chapter 6. They're all messed up! There are some silly mistakes in there, two or three of them.

Also, to help me practice conjugation of adjectives and verbs (old and new) I made some Excel spreadsheets, so here they are for any 1101 students who want to use them for practice. It includes most of the verbs and adjectives we've learned so far in 1101.

@Julia: thanks for the website. I already went through lesson one and I like it so far. It will certainly give me something to do when classes are out of session.

GTS said...

I will check the possible mistakes later in Chapter 6. Thanks! Stay studying but no Benkyo-shimono!