Monday, July 7, 2008

Sliver Pavilion to Nyakuoji-shrine via Philosopher's Trail

July 7th is the famous Milky Way festival (Tanabata) on which Orihime and Hikoboshi can meet once a year on this day! Students had a chance to write their own wish on a small paper slip to put on the bamboo tree. 95F humid day challenged us again on the way to get to the Silver Pavilion. Students took the mountain side road to go south from the Silver Pavilion to Nyakuoji-Shrine through the Philosopher's Trail where all the Japanese famous philosophers from Kyoto University used to philosophize though students did nothing but fight against heat and sweat. Students spend exactly half way through in this program, which means that their physical stamina begins declining! Hopefully everyone continues to maximize their Japan's experience!!


Unknown said...

Sensei was wrong! I was totally philosophizing (that may or may not even be a real word... I can`t even tell anymore ;_;) about Johnnies the whole time! Beat that!

~ Caitlin

GTS said...

I was wrong. There were SEVERAL students philosophizing into chaos!